I have never consigned before, at least not to this extent. I've taken some of my things to the "higher end" consignment shops here in DC. My style just doesn't "fit" in with what they are looking for, nor do I feel that the prices are very "consigny" in my mind.
I've heard about these consignment events here in the DC metro area, but never partook. It just seemed like so much work. TRUTH!!! As a newbie to this, it was overwhelming to say the least. I had already collected PCs clothes I then had to use their online system to make labels. I had to say size, a description, brand, price. You could also select discount which would be half off at the Half Price Sale or donate. So I printed out all my tags, hung all my clothes, but didn't affix my tags to my clothes- Rookie mistake! Ugh....I went last night to drop off my items, moms were pulling up with minivans filled with trash bags of clothes- no lie.....people with huge storage containers and wagons full of clothes. WOW! I thought my laundry basket and large bag from Marshalls was pretty snazzy- FALSE! I also brought our extra baby swing, which after seeing the amount of swings feared it being sold. I ended up only tagging a few items because I was too overwhelmed and hadn't tagged a thing and thus was sitting on the floor as prepared mom after prepared mom went by me. Whomp Whomp!
People even have their own clothes taggers- you know the ones that attach prices to clothes! Although I can see how it would save A LOT of time with safety pins.
Most of these big consignment sales are hosted by mothers of multiples, but as I do not have a multiple, I could still participate, which was nice. It also meant that there were a lot of double clothes too. Some were even rubber banded together. Don't break up the team!
This picture is of the non clothes room- aka gymnasium. There were books, toys GALORE, swings, strollers, walkers, excersaucers, videos, more toys, baby gates, rockers, pack n' plays, I mean the list goes on.....
Some of the girls clothes, I mean there were racks on racks of baby girl clothes! But they are so organized. They've been doing this for awhile. Everything is run smoothly. You get an ikea bag to use for shopping- Totally normal- people hoarded, then sorted. Again, overwhelming!
The Calm Before the Storm |
So, if you donate you get 30% of the sales, but if you volunteer 5 hours of your Saturday you get 70% of the sales. Win. You also get to shop at 8 am before the public. OOOHHHH! It's worth it! These moms mean business. I got there at 8:30 with my shift starting at 9:30. There were only like 4 swings left, mine was gone! WIN! I bought a few items, but I really didn't need much as PC is pretty well taken care of. However, I did do a little shopping at the half off sale. Here's a picture of my loot. She needs summery items. I tried not to go too crazy. The gray chevron dress actually has a C on it, very specific, but it works for PC.
We also scored a few toys, not too many. PC likes to play with cars, although these aren't the ones I thought they were the ones that rev and then crash into each other, but they do make noise.
I also scored a Britaxcarseat at half price - it was priced at 65$ I purchased for $32.50. I know I know, it's used and I'm being trusting. But I saved over $200 and it doesn't expire until April 2017, so we can get two years out of it. It is also rear and forward facing. I think it's the Britax pavilion in cowmooflage. Looks like this.
Tips that I learned:
1) I may need to start earlier than the day before I drop off items
2) Organize by size, makes drop off sooo much easier
3) Save all baby hangers!
4) Investing in a tagger may not be soo bad, if you intend on doing this more than once
5) Put shoes in ziplock bags, or use zip ties to keep them together
6) If you consign a lot, you also have to take back a lot if it doesn't sell
7) Toys are hit or miss
8) Furniture sells (swings, bouncy chairs, etc...)