
Monday, October 20, 2014

Fall Goodies!

It's fall, which means time for some fall treats!

With all the apples we picked at the Orchard the other week I figured I needed to do something with them, use them before they went bad.  I had planned(still planning) on making applesauce because lil miss PC LOOOOVES her some applesauce! However, we still had a bunch, so enter..... apple crisp! MMMM....if only I had some homemade vanilla ice cream, actually any vanilla ice cream would have worked.  I do wish that I hadn't put oatmeal on top, it was initially fine, but when it gets wet it gets that soggy oatmeal quality-!  I also wish I had sliced the apples thinner, I don't like crunchy apples in my apple crisp, or apple pie. However, that being said, we ate it all.....over the course of a few days ;-)
I also had to make a chicken pot pie.  There is something very comforting about pot pie. I love eating a nice slice of warm pot pie on a brisk fall evening.  I think it may even taste better in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, but maybe that's just me :-) 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dining out is always an Adventure

My little panda cub is loving on Chinese good. Americanized of course. She even has her panda cub bib on!  

Chopstick user in training😊

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Favorites of the summer

Summer's over, but......

Here were some of our summer essentials:

1)Re-useable swim diapers- originally I had planned on ordering some of the cute colored/designed ones, but realized that the white swim diapers are better because they pretty much match all the bathing suits
This one is a the iplay diaper which I bought at Target, but you can get some super cute girl ones on Amazon here
 The second swim diaper was ordered from Target, it is Charlie Banana brand, PC is pretty small still so I got the small. What I like about this swim diaper is that there is a draw string inside so that if it's a little big you can tighten it up.

2)Cute sun hats(gotta shield the eyes, head, face and neck)- also a super cute Target purchase

This pink polka dot one goes with her Old Navy bathing suit.

3)Swim Hat(overboard??) I dunno I don't want her white hat to get all water stained, so why not invest in a hat made out of swim material? Purchased from Target, it is Speedo brand and has a UV50+ protection...gotta protect her cute lil cranium.

4)Sunglasses(she's not the biggest fan of these) I'm a little worried she'll pull them back and snap them on her little face.

5)Sunblock-I purchased Neutrogena pure & free baby SPF 60+

6)Baby Pool- which I scored for FREE! BOOOYA!

7) Swim Suit: I originally invested in a super cute pink polka dot one from Old Navy, but realized that a two piece makes more sense because PC will wear the swim diaper on the bottom and then just wear the top, that way it's a lot easier to change her
I purchased this bathing suit from Zulily- a website I love. Such CUTE stuff! It's soo dangerous too, dangerous for the wallet- LOL

8) I also invested in a long sleeve rash guard for PC- We used it a lot this summer! LOVE! Nothing like extra sun protection for precious baby skin

9) This baby floaty from Target, but you can also purchase it on Amazon. They are on super sale right now at Target though. Clearance!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Urban Sandbox

Living in the city, in a row house, we don't exactly have tons of yard space. The nice thing is there are lots of parks. However, sandboxes are not typically part of them, due to germs, bugs and animals. I've seen the turtle sandbox and it is super cute - I'm pretty sure once upon a time I even played in one, but again we just don't have the room. Not to mention that it gets real hot in the backyard and the dogs stink it up(yeah we could remedy that). There are also the relentless mosquitos too(I need a good solution!). A few weeks ago I did score a rejected sand/water table. It's missing a lot of parts including the lid to cover the sandbox part. But..... It was free. I can buy other play toys too and I'll try and DIY a cover for the sand part(will post a pic if when I am successful). It is small and fits nicely on the porch, I would love for her to play there, but the front mosquitos are worse than that backyard mosquitos(maybe we need bats). Thankfully cooler weather is upon us which hopefully means bye bye bugs.
This is what it should look like:

This is what we actually have- haha
We do have an upper deck off the back master bedroom. It does get sun, but bug wise it's pretty good. So, I purchased a 50lb bag of sand and filled one of my under the bed containers. Perfect! It can sit on the back deck on our double beach towel and lil miss PC can play. If it's raining I can just cover it, pick it up(maybe) and carry it downstairs to the kitchen, or maybe it would be easier to drag it over to her room. So it's our indoor/ outdoor urban sandbox. 

Jury is still out whether she will like it or not. Today she touched it with a finger then eventually several fingers but didn't really get into it. Though her mouth may have sampled some- oops.   While I'm not always keen on her putting EVERYTHING in her mouth, I know that  I will also miss the day when she stops.  It's the inquisitive baby/toddler nature- I still don't think of her as a toddler, she's not walking yet, still fits in 6 month clothes and still wears size 2 diapers. She's still my little baby.

"You'll Always be my Baby!"(insert Mariah Carey song)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

It's Fall!

We had PURRRRFECT weather yesterday! I mean, sunny....ahhh can you smell it? Fall!
Last year lil miss PC was only about a month old when we went pumpkin picking. It also happened to be the hottest day in October. We were literally sweating through our fun. PC slept through the whole thing, didn't even make a peep. This year she was awake for the whole thing, but she still doesn't understand the concept of pumpkin and apple picking, but at least she had fun! Maybe next year she will be able to pick her own pumpkin out.  
And.... For the last three years we have gone with these wonderful friends. Hopefully sooner than later they will have a little friend for PC to hang with! ;-)  Let me just say, hoisting a pumpkin up in front of your face is no easy task....I'm still waiting for my "mommy muscles" to come in! 
I think we picked the cutest pumpkin, but maybe I'm just biased. 

And of course... Apple picking. Hoping to make apple crisp and applesauce maybe even apple butter! Too bad there were so many ground apples. But at least we found a few!