
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

*~Snow Day!~*

It's been awhile since we have had a "good" snow.  Actually, in my mind, the latest snow here in the DC metro area was, meh.  Let me say this was beautiful and I LOVE watching it fall serenely and softly to the ground. There is something so peaceful about falling snow.  Pre-daughter, the hubs and I would take walks in the snow, at any time of night (that is, if we had the next day off).  Perhaps we need to invest in a longer range video monitor.

Any way....we ended up with about 4 inches and a SNOW DAY! That's the best part.  Because we are teachers it is even better.  Perhaps the love of snow and snow days is due to the love my dad had for snow.

The snow was so light weight that we could just use a broom to sweep it off the deck/porch/stairs.  We have yet to invest in a real snow shovel, as we just don't get huge snow storms.  I would totally eat my words if that means we'll get a HUGE storm, BOSTON HUGE!  That might handicap the DC metro area for many days!

PC had a blast in the snow, well as much as I could tell. She liked walking down the sidewalk and she liked brushing the snow off of the steps and the walls of other people's yards (*sidenote: I need to get PC some legit winter mittens, waterproof ones, but I just haven't been able to find some for her lil PC paws, or good boots, but as she isn't doing too much walking in the snow,  I guess they aren't necessary)

She didn't really walk in the snow, she would stand there and when she would attempt to walk she would basically fall over. Kinda cute.  We don't have a sled, so we couldn't even pull her through the snow, nor are there many hills here....
She did love sledding when we visited my bestie and her daughter and hubby last weekend in Pittsburgh.

but the pups, the hubs, PC and I bundled out and trudged down the block to our park to let the pups run free.

 Snow Dog!
Here's hoping that we get some a few more storms this year! I'll be turning my PJs inside out and flushing ice cubes down the toilet and PC and I will do a few snow dances! 
We <3 SNOW! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Baby Wearing

I have two baby carriers, no wait, make that three. I just picked up a used hiking backpack from a neighbor.

But....originally I had 2 when PC was born.  I had the Ergo and the Moby Wrap.  Both of which I had researched and new that I wanted a few years before PC was even born.  Call me a planner, or maybe a little crazy...but, it's what I do.

I know some people say to wear your babies as much as possible, to hold them close, to keep that bonding time.  Others say, if your baby is super fussy, wear them. If they are colicky, wear them.  If they don't want you to put them down, wear them.  You get the idea.  I will agree, wearing your baby is a lot easier than carrying them around if you need to get household chores done.  Thankfully for us PC was none of those.  She didn't need to be held round the clock (although I could have if I wanted) and she wasn't sickly, other than jaundice and I wasn't allowed to hold her when she was on her special light anyway.  She was completely content sleeping in her rock n' sleeper, so I figured, why disturb her.  When I did need to wear her around the house though I would use our Moby.  It pulled her close and was less bulky, well other than the fact that I felt like I was mummified with all the wrapping.  One thing that I wish the Moby had was a pocket.  In the summer/fall when PC was lil I would wear the Moby when I took the dogs out, worked up a sweat, but had no where to hold my phone or keys.
Another negative with the Moby is it isn't practical when you go out, unless you already have it tied around you.  If you don't, the long "tails" drag on the ground collecting all kinds of goodies.

Oddly enough I still wil
l randomly wear the Moby, especially if my husband takes the car with the Ergo.  For short walks she's fine.  She does move around a lot more though.  Today I watched a video on how to do a hip hold with the Moby. I of course then had to try it out immediately, much to PC's dismay, but she seemed to like it.  I think that this would be very convenient when doing a quick walk, or quick errand (via walking).  As far as I can tell, this is not one that you can pre-do.  I didn't wear it very long so I can't say how my back or hips would feel.  I will say that she is 15 months old, but only weighs about 17 lbs. so that might make a huge difference versus another child.

** Apparently I wrote this two months ago, whoops.... PC is now 17 months and I'm not quite sure how much she weighs....somewhere between 17-20lbs.  I think she actually went through a growth spurt as I had some new pain in my one mommy arm- lefty is my dominant hold baby arm, even though I am a righty.

Does anyone have a favorite baby carrier? Do you use a sling? 

Maybe we will try an ergo360 for the next baby- I dunno, does having baby face outward throw you off balance at all?