On Wednesday I started out with PC on our normal run around the trail by our house. Usually we do an out and back, but today I decided to loop it. As I passed the cemetery near our house I decided why not run through. I always see people walking around in there and it's also the dog park. People pay and then are able to let their dogs run in the huge area.....I'm not sure how I feel about people letting their dogs pee and poop where loved ones rest.....
In through the squeaky gate we ran. There were plenty of paths/roads what-have-you. It was actually a little hilly too. It was quiet- no big surprise there, but I mean for being in the city. We ran past some mausoleums that needed to have their leaves swept out and many a worn tombstone. It was kind of sad, some have been there so long that you can't even read what they said. We didn't run around the whole thing, as I was little tired and also didn't know how much longer PC would be content. I had given her a munch cup full of mix and raisins that she was happily munching on.
It is a little weird running amongst the graves, but peaceful too (ha! It should be!)
Thursday- another BEAUTIFUL day. I decided to head over to the National Arboretum . It's ridiculously close and yet G and I have only been once many years ago. We stuck to the roads, we didn't venture off onto any paths to explore - for the next adventure. The trees were beautiful. We didn't see all the areas of the Arboretum, it was also hillier than I expected- to be honest I didn't know what to expect. So I huffed and puffed a long, but running hills should help me when I run on flat ground.
In case you can't tell, the picture above is of us running up a hill. :-)
What's a run without a selfie by some beautiful trees. I actually had enough room on my phone to snap off a few to send to the hubs while he was at work (sometimes I feel a little bad sending him pictures of all the fun things we are doing while he is a slave to the man....but he did ask for pictures, so pictures I will give- so long as I have room on my phone). This picture doesn't really capture the beauty of the trees, nor is PC looking at the camera. You would think with a mama who is so camera happy that she would learn to look straight at it and smile- knowing that I will do my best to get that "perfect picture."
This picture is a little better, at least she is looking at the camera....the magnolias were gorgeous. I wish they stuck around a little longer, that and the cherry blossoms. My goal was to run down to the mall over break, but that looks like it might not happen.
After we finished "our" run I let lil miss thang out of her stroller to troll around. She needed to get out some of her energy.
I was a little worried that these sweet gum balls would hurt her- but it's important to let her explore. She had no problem with them, even sat down quite hard on some (it probably helps that she has a nice padded diaper on).
She then decided to check out this Grass display that they had. They were displaying all the different types of grasses that you can find- PC decided that she wanted to "read" each of the signs. Ha I was impressed that she knew that there was writing on the posts- or maybe she just wanted to do a few squats.....