Eeek! I have been hearing for awhile that PC might be teething. She just turned 6 months old so I know teeth may be right around the corner. She has been drooling a lot lately and if our fingers get near her mouth she goes to town on them. I've heard that teething can be tiresome, to both baby and parents especially if it makes them extremely fussy and sad. Everyone has their own ideas on what works and suggestions on what to do.
As you can see, everything goes in her mouth(she's her father's child).....ahh the life of a baby!
I'm hoping that PC stays her typical cool self. I'm terrified of sleepless nights! (I know, super selfish of me.)I wasn't quite as freaked when I was on maternity, but now that I am back to work lack of sleep is no good for this chica. I need my 8+ hours of sleep, which I get, sort of, though it may be broken up due to feedings.
Enter the Sophie!
So far PC loves her
Sophie Giraffe. I mean it's received quite the reviews on Amazon. I like to do my homework before I buy PC toys.
They say that Sophie stimulates the baby's senses. The taste, soft texture malleable. The parts of the giraffe are easy for a baby to hold, and it is soft and smooth to the touch. PC was able to grasp this early on and prefers to grab poor Sophie around the neck. I almost feel a little bad for Sophie being drooled and chewed upon. I love that Sophie also squeaks. It grabs her attention and while she can't squeeze it yet she knows the sound. Unfortunately, so do our dogs. That's one thing about baby toys, all their sounds, squeaks, crumples and squishiness I am afraid that they her toys will end up in pieces on their dog bed.
She loves her Sophie!
I also purchased these teething beads, I found it on
Zulily, love that site by the way. It's a necklace and bracelet that I can wear, but that PC can chew and gum on. I'm stylish but still have something for her haha. As you can see, she's stolen it from me. Her Auntie Jess is loving on her niece!
I've also heard people talk about amber necklaces/bracelets. I don't have one so I can't really say if they work or not.
If you've used one, have you found it to work?
Any other teething recommendations?!
PC is EBF(essentially breastfed) I think I am also partially afraid that those little chompers are going to come in contact with, well, you know!
** I started this post a couple of days ago and low and behold! Her first lil tooth is starting to come in. She hasn't been too fussy, well other than waking up every 2 hours. ACK! I think she's also going through a growth spurt too so it's a double whammy! **
Now entering the teething phase! Watch out world!