
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for these guys- Puffs Plus (WITH LOTION!!) 

It's a weird thing to be thankful for, but trust me, I am thankful for these babies. I love that I can buy them in bulk at Target. I mean I could go on about why I love Target, but the fact that I can buy them in packs of 6! EPIC! 

This winter I've had some serious sniffle issues. I blame my students and their ability to share their germs so freely.  I mean I am all for sharing, just not that! My clorox wipes and lysol spray have been very active this year. Plus, I don't want to bring home any unnecessary "items" to my lil PC.

Now, I am dreading Spring. I know, I know, there are many of you that are holding your breath, waiting for that warm weather. I mean, there are definitely pros to the Spring, warmer weather, longer days. But.....with the Spring come ALLERGIES! Sniffling, sneezing, wheezing, itchy eyes= NO BUENO!  I.AM.NOT.LOOKING.FORWARD.TO.THAT! All I can think of is my poor nose.....and that, my friends is why I use the Puffs Plus with Lotion. Honestly I could probably have built a pretty significant fort if I had saved all the tissue boxes.

Cheers to the Spring! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

It's been awhile.....

I haven't truly exercised in awhile. I mean really truly put on the workout clothes, wait, not true, I have put on workout clothes, but only because they are comfy. It's actually the sports bra that I haven't put, I just find that thing sooo restrictive and uncomfortable.  Don't get me wrong, it does it's job.  One of my besties however lives and dies by her sports bra. I.DON'T.UNDERSTAND.IT though! Please explain T...I know the hubs isn't a fan either haha!

Anyway, I haven't run since the 5K that I did back at Thanksgiving with another bestie. I kinda blame the fact that the weather got colder and that I had to go back to work. So I think that is acceptable. Right?! I mean I suppose out of shape people are always making excuses, but I think mine are kinda valid, no?  Well my last 5K was run when PC was 3 months old, 3 months ago if you're keeping track.

And, like I said, Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures.

Since having PC we've been trying to be better about spending money unnecessarily, you know like going out to eat every week or shopping(me).  We are trying to be a little more money savvy. It's been going well pretty well. We haven't belonged to a gym in awhile, it's just an unnecessary expense for us at this point.  We originally joined to, of course, get in shape. We figured if we were shelling out the money then we would certainly go, otherwise it was money wasted. Ha! We were pretty good in the beginning and then life got in the way!  But I mean, there are a lot of free things we can do, walk, hike, bike, run. Those are all free of charge.....but I do miss the classes, spin and step. I'm hoping that a Planet Fitness will come to the District soon at $10 a month I think we could handle that.  

I'm usually too tired to do much after work(EXCUSE), or I want to spend time with my lil PC (Better excuse right?!).  I'll have moments where I see people running and start to feel motivated...then I get home and start to put on all the clothes and then I give up haha! Sitting down just feels sooo nice.

Then, last week I received an email for the Rock n Roll DC 1/2 and full marathon. It was the President's Day special $99, which is actually a steal! I've done the 1/2 the last two years, last year when I was preggers with lil PC. However, I just haven't had the time to prepare for a 1/2 at this point in the year.  Then, low and behold! I see that they have just added a 5K! That I could do and it was also discounted.  And, wait for it...... you also get a medal!!!! WAHOO! Usually you don't get medals for 5Ks. So, I sucked it up and paid the money(also really wanted another medal)and now I have officially 3 weeks to get ready. But, at least it is getting my Butt moving, slow that it may be! 

***Side-note: PC will be 6 months for this 5K. Then I have another 5K in May and she'll be 9 months.  So I have a 5K every 3 months. Ha!

Be proud! I woke this past Saturday morning and ran 2 miles! I'm more than halfway there haha.  I have to say that I do need to work on my breathing again....phew!! I was doing my fair share of huffing and puffing there towards the end.  Then, the hubs, PC,  dogs and I went for a 2 mile walk, then I did another 2 miles Saturday evening because I couldn't find the metro, and it was taking forever and to top it all off I joined my sister-in-law at her friend's bachelorette party. What did we do you ask? We did Chair and Pole Dancing. Don't laugh, it is truly a workout! It's now Tuesday and I am still a little sore.

Anyone else running something fun this spring?

What's your favorite race you've ever done?

How do you have time to work out, have a job and be a mom? 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Not TEETH,(not yet)!

Eeek! I have been hearing for awhile that PC might be teething.  She just turned 6 months old so I know teeth may be right around the corner. She has been drooling a lot lately and if our fingers get near her mouth she goes to town on them.  I've heard that teething can be tiresome, to both baby and parents especially if it makes them extremely fussy and sad. Everyone has their own ideas on what works and suggestions on what to do.

As you can see, everything goes in her mouth(she's her father's child).....ahh the life of a baby!

 I'm hoping that PC stays her typical cool self. I'm terrified of sleepless nights! (I know, super selfish of me.)I wasn't quite as freaked when I was on maternity, but now that I am back to work lack of sleep is no good for this chica. I need my 8+ hours of sleep, which I get, sort of, though it may be broken up due to feedings.

Enter the Sophie!

So far PC loves her Sophie Giraffe.  I mean it's received quite the reviews on Amazon. I like to do my homework before I buy PC toys.

They say that Sophie stimulates the baby's senses. The taste, soft texture malleable. The parts of the giraffe are easy for a baby to hold, and it is soft and smooth to the touch. PC was able to grasp this early on and prefers to grab poor Sophie around the neck. I almost feel a little bad for Sophie being drooled and chewed upon.  I love that Sophie also squeaks. It grabs her attention and while she can't squeeze it yet she knows the sound.  Unfortunately, so do our dogs. That's one thing about baby toys, all their sounds, squeaks, crumples and squishiness I am afraid that they her toys will end up in pieces on their dog bed.
She loves her Sophie!

I also purchased these teething beads, I found it on Zulily, love that site by the way. It's a necklace and bracelet that I can wear, but that PC can chew and gum on.  I'm stylish but still have something for her haha. As you can see, she's stolen it from me. Her Auntie Jess is loving on her niece!

I've also heard people talk about amber necklaces/bracelets. I don't have one so I can't really say if they work or not.

If you've used one, have you found it to work?

Any other teething recommendations?!

PC is EBF(essentially breastfed) I think I am also partially afraid that those little chompers are going to come in contact with, well, you know!

** I started this post a couple of days ago and low and behold! Her first lil tooth is starting to come in. She hasn't been too fussy, well other than waking up every 2 hours. ACK! I think she's also going through a growth spurt too so it's a double whammy! **

Now entering the teething phase! Watch out world!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday

I gotta be honest.  One of the things that I am thankful for today is the fact that today is indeed Thursday. It's just that much closer to Friday. When Thursday comes around I feel like I can breath a little easier. I even go to bed a little later. I know! Quite the rebel! I'm living it up people!

 Some weeks are just a lot rougher than others. I am sure y'all can attest to that.  Don't get me wrong. I am Extremely thankful for the fact that I have a job, but this week, short week that it was, was still too long for me! Maybe it's because baby girl got yet another cold and has not been sleeping through the night. Last night she woke like every 2 hours.  That makes me sad an unpleasant zombie. Like I've said before, I need my 8 plus hours of sleep. I WISH WISH WISH that I was one of those people that could run on a few hours of sleep. My hubs can....

However, on that note, I am very thankful with how well she has slept since her birth.  She goes to bed pretty well(minus the one rough week) and doesn't usually wake up until 8. It used to be 9-9:30, but that was before she had a "set" bedtime.

I am also super thankful that I have a window in my classroom this year. First time in 7 years! Crazy right?! How could a classroom not have a window?! That's a great question and yet there are 5 classrooms that don't have them.  It makes it extremely unbearable when the heat goes crazy, stifling actually. It used to be the cause of many a headache.

What are you thankful for today?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Adventures in Pittsburgh

This past weekend we were finally able to get up to Pittsburgh to see my best friend and her beautiful addition to her family, her daughter, Piper(Sweet P), as well as their new house!

 My title says "Adventures" I use that term loosely, since we didn't really go anywhere, I guess the adventures were traveling with a 5 month old to visit a 3 week old and figuring out feeding and sleeping away from home.  PC is a trooper!

We actually go hit with a Snow Storm Wednesday night, which meant no school Thursday. We already didn't have school Friday and Monday was a holiday, so enter 5 day weekend! Wahoo!! (Of course it only makes going back to work that much harder.)

Not as excited as her mother
She was distracted by her father's shoveling
However, before we left DC I had to(of course) take some pictures of my lil PC in the snow.  It was actually too hard for her to sink in so I had to punch in a "nook" for her to sit in, otherwise she just slid all over the place.

On our way there, we saw......a car completely plowed in...I would NOT have been pleased! I also captured the snow that had been "blasted" on the wall by the giant snow blower.

This is a definitely a new chapter in our lives.  Teresa and I have known each other since freshman year of college(13 years of friendship I believe), we've known each other since we were single, we were in each others weddings and now, we both have beautiful daughters. Her Sweet P and my Panda Cub! Looking forward to our next set of adventures as parents. Laughter, tears, fears.....

 Life, as we know it, will never be the same again! 

Pittsburgh still has lots of snow. Actually it snowed again while we were there Saturday. And...for those of you who know me, know that I love snow!!!! **** I had planned to place PC in the middle of their beautifully untouched snow. They have no dogs to trample it all down and pee/poo in it, but I never got around to it.  I got distracted with making snow cream. What's that you say? Some of you may know because you've made it before, but I had never heard of it until I saw a friend mention it on FB, sooooo of course I had to try it too.  The first attempt, according to T's husband, tasted "dirty." That's because we used granulated white sugar, the second time we used confectioners sugar. We added creamer, because we didn't have milk and vanilla....what are the measurements? Ehhhh I just added until it tasted good. haha....

We had meant to make jello-snow, which T made when she was little. You add jello packets to the snow so it's like a snow cone. Next time, or rather, next snow!

Here are some adorable pictures of Piper and Charlotte(Sweet P and Panda Cub). They are 5 months apart. Charlotte looks like she could eat tiny Piper....
Charlotte apparently decided she would take down the play mat. Rahhhh

Comforting her sad friend

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thankful Thursday!

Today I am thankful for Snow and being a teacher and snow days(they all go together collectively).....yes, we will probably have to make it up.....but an extra break every now and again is ALWAYS welcomed!

I am thankful for an extra day I get to sleep in.

I am thankful for the extra time I get to spend with the ones I love, more time with my little PC!(WIN)

I am thankful for neighbors who shoveled us out, sidewalk, stairs, and even our cars!!! They rock!

Monday, February 10, 2014

It's a soup kind of day

Thanks to Punxsutawney Phil we will have 6 more weeks of winter.  Although, when you think of it, Spring doesn't come for awhile's ok because I am a big fan of winter, well more like snow. The cold weather without the snow isn't quite as epic.

Today is one of those days where I don't really want to get out of my pjs. I just want to sit curled up on the couch with a good book and blanket. However, today I am curled up while PC naps, watching the Olympics. We didn't want to venture out, but alas we needed food for the week. So we bundled up and trudged out.  I decided that I wanted to make Zuppa Toscana.  If you have ever been to Olive Garden, then you know what I'm talking about. I mean who doesn't love unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks?!

So we bought, spicy sausage, potatoes, kale, chicken broth, heavy cream and of course bread.

Thank goodness for the crockpot.  I cooked up the sausage, added 2 diced garlic cloves and half a chopped onion. Added those to the crock pot with 4 cups of chicken broth and 2 cups of water. I sliced the potatoes thinly and also added them to the pot. Then I set it to cook for 4 hours.  After 4 hours I added 1 cup of heavy cream, 3-4 cups chopped kale and salt and pepper to taste.  Then I let the soup cook an additional 1-2 hours.

I  had a lot of kale left over and it isn't a typical vegetable that Gary and I eat so....I made kale chips. I chopped off the leaves and then tore them smaller. I washed the kale and then I added a tablespoon of EVOO some kosher salt and then garlic powder. I made two batches, the other batch also had chipotle chili powder. I spread the kale onto a cookie sheet and baked for 10 minutes at 350 degrees. I rotated the sheet 180 degrees at the 5 minute mark.
Garlic and Salt

Garlic, Salt and Chipotle Chili Powder- may have added too much, kinda spicy

What's your favorite crock pot soup to make? I'd love to hear some recipes! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for good insurance!

I am thankful that our basement has survived the broken pipe flood(not our pipe, the neighbors).

I am thankful for the new soft carpet in the basement!  PC loves it too and so does Sebastian, even if he doesn't love her!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Super bowl Treats

What kind of goodies are you making for the Super bowl? 

We are having a low key night, having some friends over, because of course, we have a baby.  I actually don't mind taking her out......but she's just getting over a cold, so, probably better to stay in.  I also think that it would be great to have the Super Bowl on a Saturday instead of a Sunday, because honestly, who wants to go into work after eating, drinking and staying up later than normal(ok maybe I'm the only one staying up past her bedtime.) What time do I go to bed you ask? Well 9:00, no, I am not 12 years old, but I know I am one of those people who need their 8 hours of sleep. Plus I still wake up at least once a night to feed so it isn't a pure 8 hours.  Don't judge....if I could get by with 6 hours of sleep it would make my days much longer and maybe more productive. Ha! Who am I kidding? I'd probably be less productive....

Anywho....we cheered for the Broncos. I am a big fan of Peyton Manning, I dunno why, lie, I do know why.  He's a great quarter back. He also just seems so real, so approachable.  I could be completely off, but he is just so likable.  He's not a pretty boy, he isn't showy. He's likable!

 I guess no one told the Broncos that they were playing in the Super Bowl. Whoops!!! I do admire how Peyton responded after the Super Bowl. True class!

Someone wanted to help mommy bake!
Today also happens to be the hubs' birthday. I allowed him to choose the cupcakes he would like from my wonderful Martha Stewart Cupcake book. Being the beer LOVER that he is, he choose the Stout Cupcake with the Stout Icing, he of course supplied the Stout. Based on the recipe, they are definitely more a spiced cupcake with molasses, cinnamon and orange zest.  The icing only called for 1/4 cup stout and 2 cups sifted confectioners sugar. I also added some vanilla extract to give it a little more depth.

We are also trying Beer-Candied Bacon. I found the recipe here. I mean, Bacon, Beer, right up every guys alley and seems perfect to go with our super bowl treats. Hopefully it turns out right. We purchased the thick cut skin off bacon from our local market. We chose to use an Octoberfest because it is maltier.

 This was delicious! This will be happening again.

 This little girl was no impressed with the football game.

We also served our barbacoa, cilantro rice and corn salsa tacos..... you can find the recipe here.

Our friends brought some other goodies:

A cheese and charcuterie plate

7-Layer Taco Dip

and.....venison dip in a bread bowl (forgot to take a picture)

This was definitely not(at least in my mind) your typical Super Bowl food.  I mean at least not college days of pizza, and frozen treats heated in the oven. I thought we classed it up a bit more. Too bad we had waaaayyyy too much food, but that's ok because now we have leftovers! Holla!